Monday, February 17, 2014

Toddler Must-Haves (or wants)?


Ok community, I am a new auntie to two little newborn babies. Their moms got them really cool things that I did not even know existed 16 months ago when my daughter was born. For example, I never knew about the Moby Wrap, the Moses Basket, The Boppy Pillow (I found out about this when my daughter was 6 months old)... So I am reaching out now to find neat, cool, maybe unnecessary items that I can get for my 16 month old? She is walking, talking and all the cute things toddlers do but I really want to find some neat items for her. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for the help!

A tunnel is a must...she will LOVE it.I got a good one from IKEA but you can find them at any kids place.

Leapster fridge magnets?I think they are called.It has farm animals and its like a puzzle you put the two pieces together and they make the animal noise.It is so cute too because even if they put the wrong one together(like say a pigs tail and a duck head,it will say a pig duck?That's silly and do the song.A must!!!! My daughter would play wit that thing for hours and I could get dinner started and finished.

A magna doodle.At this age,they love to draw.I even went and got a dry erase mini board and carry it in the diaper bag because it will keep her interested for a long time.

toddler tape player with classic toddler tunes.

Her very own petite back pack to carry some of her dolls in?

A keyboard

the musical drum set you can buy at target.It is a drum and the lid comes off and inside is lots of music instruments.My daughter loves this and we use it lots.

Buckets...yes buckets.Bright ones.This is a fav thing.In the summer I just fill them up with warm water and lots of bubbles.Talk about hours of play.I even throw in a rag and she likes to wash her little animals and bike like a big girl:)

Sassy shape sorter.It is clear and small and easy for little hands

Non toxic clay.Thsi is good to let her mold and later paint when its dry.

Duplo block table that lifts up and stores blocks inside.Awesome!

Melissa and Doug make a puzzle type thing that has flaps on it and under it caome with magnetic pieces that you can move and hide under other doors.A must too.

A doll house with her own wooden dolls(this may work as a good Christmas gift)

A reusable sticker book.

Melissa and doug habitat..great for travel.

Play kitchen with pretend food.She even has a set of stainless steel pots and pans to play with.So cute and she loves them to bang on or pretend she is cooking like mommy.

A stroller/highchair/bed for her baby dolls

Play silk-the things you can do with this are endless.

hand puppets/finger puppets

Hats/sunglasses/scarfs...stuff to dress up in:)

Oh and this book called Where's the poop?A cute and funny book,my 20 month old daughter wants this one over and over again.You ask questions and she has to find the poop under the flaps.Sounds gross,but trust me.A great book when you are getting ready to potty train.

Speaking of potty training,the fisher price turtl ring that goes onto the toilet is a must when toilet training.

I have two girls and they are spoiled!

What are your must-haves when traveling with a toddler?

mama <3

My husband and I are traveling to visit family in Washington in about 6 weeks; our daughter will be 18 months old at that time. Its about a 2 hour drive to the airport from our house, 3 hour flight, and then 2-3 hour drive to our hotel. We are leaving in the afternoon once my husand gets off from work so it will be after naptime, but dinner and bedtime will be while we are in the car/on the plane. Our daughter is terrible (to say the least) with changes in her routine. It's going to be a 16 day trip, so I am trying to start planning now so that I can be prepared for all of the fights and troubles we will have because we are out of her routine.
We have made this trip 3 times since she was born, but the last time she was 8 months old and although she still wasn't happy about the changes she adjusted much better than I am anticipating this time.
What are some of your must-haves when taking your toddler on a long vacation away from home? Do they adjust well to being/sleeping in a new environment and in a different bed (pack n play) or is it a hassle to get them to sleep every night for the whole vacation? Any tips or advice are welcome =]

Make sure to pack lots of snacks and water for her. Take her favorite toy or whatever is a must have for her. My son loves cars so I usually pack a few little cars for him and he loves to play with them. Books always keep the kids entertained even if they cannot read yet. If you have a portable DVD player make sure you have batteries or a car charger for the trip.

The most difficult part of your trip will probably be flight since it's not just your family. Try buying new inexpensive toys or books with crayons that can keep her busy and she's never seen before. My son loves his toy laptop and can play with it for hours. Electronic toys are good too.

Good luck!

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