Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Help! I'm traveling w/ a toddler?


I'm taking my son ....who is 2 and 1/2 to Philly for my brother's birthday and my husband couldn't go, so it's just the 2 of us. What are some great things to take on a plane to occupy his attention? Last time we were on a plane he was just about 2 and........let's just was rough!
Thanks for any advice! :o)
We are leaving on a 7AM flight. I was just looking for maybe toy ideas that will hold a toddlers attention.

Well, when I go on the plane with my 3yr old I always have to have his favorite toy(IMPORTANT). Some cars, trains, crayons and coloring book. You have to have a little bag exclusive for toys, not a big one or lots of toys, though, just his favorites. And during the flight be changing then. Try for him not to nap during the day before the plane, so that way in the plane maybe, just maybe he'll catch some zzz's. Hope it helps

Toddler refusing to sit in car seat?

Q. My almost three year old sister refuses to be buckled in her seat. We have tried to tell her she isn't big enough for a booster. But, our other sister is five and uses a booster. We have tried letting her buckle her self. But, she screams and will cry while my mom or I puts her in. We have tried leaving her home with an adult if she acts this way. But, sometimes she has to come along! Any ideas?

We bought toys and books that have to stay in the car only. That solved the problem and we can travel peacefully. Our kids get so excited to see and play with the "new" toys that they don't really care about the car-seat anymore.
Also, you could try offering a snack in her car-seat if she behaves well when she is buckled in. My kids love to snack on Teddy Grahams and pretzels and drink from a juice box, and in my opinion, it's well worth it to have peace!

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