Friday, February 21, 2014

What are good "travel" toys for a 3-4 year old girl?


My niece will be 4 this May and will be traveling to Florida with my sister-in-laws family. I am getting her a very cute little fuzzy luggage bag on wheels to take on the plane for Christmas, but I would like to get her a couple of inexpensive things to put in her luggage case to entertain her on the plane. Other than books, what would be some good travel-type games or toys for a 3-4 year old girl?

I make a binder with paper, a crayon case that fits into the binder and holds crayons and stickers (no markers, we learned that the hard way!). Besides regular paper, I put some mazes, dot-to-dots, and coloring sheets printed from the internet. Beyond that, put two stuffed animals, plastic animals or people, or puppets (so they can play "together"). You can also get a small magnetic version of simple games like chutes and ladders or checkers ... whether your niece is ready for games like that really depends on her (some almost-4-year-olds are, some aren't) ... either way, it's only a good idea if someone is going to be willing to play it with her. There are also those little plastic games where you shake it around and try to get the ball into the middle; most 3-year-olds would be entertained with those for a while. And if she's not reading to herself, you can always add some lift-the-flap type books.

Traveling with a two year old... help?


I will be taking my two year old on two trips within the next few months, but have never traveled with him before. The first trip will be by airplane and it will just be the two of us. He is extremely active and has a tendency to throw some serious tantrums. I plan on taking his car seat so he will be forced to sit and will not have the option of running around, but I'm worried about keeping him successfully occupied for 2 to 3 hours and not bothering those around us. The second trip will be a two day car trip with my mom, stepdad, nanny, and three sisters and we will be taking two vehicles to go to Disney World. This will be slightly easier because we will have rest stops and I know my family will be far more understanding of an angry toddler than a stranger on an airplane. I have a few thoughts about things to occupy him with, but am looking for some really fun suggestions. We will be leaving for Disney World the day after Christmas so I want to give him some really fun travel toys to play with the next day. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Firstly, I think the carseat on the airplane is a bad idea. He'll be kicking the seat in front of him and if he melts down you'll have NO room to move around. I've travelled often with my girl and I'd never do the carseat on the plane.

Secondly, plan for success. That means make sure, starting the day before, that you cut down refined sugars and processed food from his diet and don't give him ANY sugar (including juice) the morning before the flight or on the airplane. Bring an apple or a small piece of fruit, but that should be the extent of sugar until after the flight. Bring lots of food/snacks, however.

If you have the opportunity, before the flight, to take him swimming or bring in someplace he can run like a madman, if he's exhausted in combination with a really good diet, he'll be primed to behave. When you've given his body and mind the best chance to succeed, whatever you bring along to keep him busy will work better.

I never let my girl watch screen media when she was two, but I've heard from more than one parent that having a DVD player was a lifesaver on long trips. We didn't use or need them, but maybe that will work for you. My daughter really enjoys books, so on the plane I brought many small books. I also would bring a few stuffed animals, a four-pack of crayons, a couple sticker books, a magnet board and a small handful of small plastic figurines (usually I'd pick up a few a few new ones at a thrift store before a flight.. so they'd seem really exciting.)

Initially I dreaded flights.. but I found with good preparation and smart diet and exercise choices, my fears have never been realized. Hopefully you'll discover the same! (Really.. truly... NO SUGAR.. toddler+sugar+confined space=BAD.)

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